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Client: Platinum Pageant

Audience: 8.7 million (live+digital)

Narrative: Creative energy and diversity of youth / Unity

The brief:

The biggest event in our calendar for summer 2022 was the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Pageant, a large scale outdoor arts parade through central London to celebrate 70 years of the Queen’s reign.

We were approached by Pageant Master Adrian Evans over a year in advance to develop and deliver a vision for a young, diverse, inspiring urban performance with high skills and unexpected moments, taking place on a moving platform.


How do you go about designing a float from scratch for the Queen? How do you engineer something that is a stage, a moving vehicle, and a colourful backdrop all at the same time? Something that suits the route, the artists that will be performing on it, and the atmosphere of the event? With the parade taking place along some of London’s most iconic streets, there was no opportunity to rehearse with our vehicles and artists along the route in advance so we rehearsed in aircraft hangars!

We created a diverse and dynamic cast of 120 world-class circus artists, street dancers and urban athletes, who worked together to tell a story of strength, individuality and joyful physicality. With the UK’s only trampoline team on the float, international crutch dancer Dergin Tokmak on the stage and some of the UK’s leading performers on wheels on the floor and jumping on and off moving vehicles, the performance was a sight to be seen.

Our colourful moving float incorporated trampoline walls, DJ booth, aerial hoop and various stages and platforms. Following it we flew a huge helium balloon bearing the face of a young HM Queen Elizabeth II with an aerialist suspended beneath.

Award-winning London based fashion house Teatum Jones created beautiful zero waste costumes for the artists.

You guys have the most incredible drive and enthusiasm for the incredible work that you create. It is our honour to be involved in what you create. There is never a time when I don't think I won’t get excited to work with you guys and you are 100% my favourite people to work with (sincerely).

Danny Butler, Extreme Mountain Bike Show Artist

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